Monday, June 8, 2015

January, February and March 2015

     Ivy started walking just a couple of days after she turned 18 months at the end of December.  And by the beginning of January she was already walking around while carrying purses and pushing strollers! We spent a lot of time at home in January, February and March because we were packing and moving!  We found out mid January that I was pregnant!  We were so excited!  To tell everyone our news, Jenna made a valentine card and drew a picture of our family with a baby in my tummy and a heart around it. :)  Very cute.  The girls really enjoyed Valentine's Day this year.  We gave them 2 little gifts and they each got each other 1 gift as well.  We spent the day together as a family and Andrew and I went on a date on a weeknight.  During all of the packing, moving and some of the unpacking the girls were very mischievous!  They actually handled everything really well, but they did get into stuff more than usual.  Part of that I'm sure was Ivy emerging from babyhood into toddler hood, but Jenna would join in too!  She was never a very mischievous toddler so I think when she saw Ivy go through the phase, she wanted to join in.  And we were pretty busy with packing and moving so, of course that didn't help. Ha ha Things have mellowed out now though, and they sure did have fun enjoying our couple months of moving distractions.
     When it was finally moving day, it was snowing outside!  We had a very dry and warm winter so we were very surprised by the snow!  Thankfully, it stopped snowing within like 1 hour of when our friends came to help us load the truck.  And, even though the forecast was a very snowy weekend, it didn't start snowing again until the morning after we moved all of our stuff into the new house!  We felt like that was a very sweet and obvious tender mercy from the Lord.  On Monday, I was all set to start unpacking the kitchen and stuff but the snow looked very enticing to the girls!  I decided that they had been such good sports with everything involved with moving and even though I was anxious to unpack, they deserved a good snow day.  So we ditched unpacking and played outside in the snow!  It was Ivy's first time really playing in the snow. We all had a lot of fun!
     Our friends, the Fowlers, moved into our new house 3 days after us and lived in our basement for about 7 weeks.  They are in the process of building a house and needed somewhere to live for a little bit.  The lived in our basement and stayed down there each day until about 4 pm.  Then, they would come upstairs and the kids would play and Collette or I would make dinner.  Bryan helped Andrew with the yard quite a bit too.  I think it was nice for Jenna to have friends to play with every afternoon.  I think it helped with the adjustment of living in a new house.  The kids played really well together.  Andrew and I got to see a new side of Jenna, she was quite the jokester with the other kids and was often making them laugh.  It was fun to see her be the little comedian among her friends. :)  They have since moved, but things are still going really well, and we are loving our new home!
 Baby #3!!!
Amelia, Braxton, Jenna and Ivy playing ring around the rosie

Snow day!

                                                                                                                              Our tiny snowman!

The girls loved to play in the master bathroom, and kept getting into stuff they shouldn't, so I redirected them to the master closet and they sure had fun in there!  And it was much less nerve racking than them playing in the bathroom!

Mommy & Jenna date to see Cinderella

Ivy stealing the show at a 1 year old's birthday. She definitely know how to be entertaining while eating a cupcake!

Jenna posing with all of her and Ivy's babies. I don't think the Indian and Bolivian ones have names yet but Jenna has named many of her babies!  From left to right is Millie, Lydie, Curious, Betty, Abby, Zoey, Beautiful (the blonde one with pigtails) Noelle, Maggie, Lilly, Ruby Jade, Violet, Rapunzel, Jane and Polka Dot!

Sweet sleeping Ivy                            Being adorable

Cute Jenna

Getting into Mommy's makeup

Valentine, new baby announcement

Valentine's Day goodies

                                                                                                                   Jenna wanted Valentine's hair


This was Ivy's project while I was going to the bathroom one day

Just a couple of days after she started walking!


I love that they play together


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