Friday, March 21, 2008


My cousin-in-law has a website that is so cute! It is Above is one of her designs.

Friday, March 14, 2008

New Tag

I have been tagged by my sister-in-law Emily to answer some questions about my spouse. I in turn tag Shauna, my mom, and Brian.

What is his name? Andrew Mark Hansen

How long have we been married? 7 months

How long did we date? 1 year

How old is he? 25

Who eats more? Definitely him

Who said I love you first? He did, but I was feeling love for him very strongly and was about to burst and say it myself , but then he said it. And he had no idea I was wanting to say it at that same moment. It was so perfect. :)

Who is taller? Haha, him

Who sings better? I don't know, probably him

Who is smarter? Um, we are both more intelligent in different areas. He is probably smarter overall though. He is much better at retaining information and thinking logically than I am. I am more emotionally and socially intelligent. :)

Who's temper is worse? His, no offense :)

Who pays the bills? I do

Who does the laundry? We usually do it together, but if we are not doing it together then I am usually doing it. :)

Who cooks dinner? Me

Who drives when together? Him

Who is more stubborn? Him

Who's parents do you see the most? Um, well, mine until we moved, I don't know anymore. This year we will probably see mine more and next year we will probably see his more. So, about equal I think.

Who has more friends? I think I did in Utah but he probably does here in MN.

Who has more siblings? Him, he was 5 sisters and I have 1 sister and 2 brothers.

Who wears the pants in the family? Him

Who eats more sweets? Me!!! :) I LOVE sweets! Especially chocolate! Mmmmm

Who mows the lawn? Neither of us, we don't have a lawn. Haha :) But when we do have a lawn, we will probably do half and half. We both like mowing lawns but I get kind of tired of it after a while. :)

Who kissed who first? He kissed me, I kept hiding my face from him every night because I was so nervous. But he finally snuck one in and it was cute. :)

Who asked who out first? He asked me out. We went canoeing! It was so much fun! We jumped out of the canoe quite a bit and jumped off bridges and swam around a lot. It was fun. :)

Who Proposed? He did. It was sort of unexpected, I had no idea he had the ring. It was amazing. :)

What's my favorite thing about him? His willingness to self sacrifice. His immense love for the gospel and how hard he strives to live it. His love for me and all of the amazing things he does to express it. His righteous desires. His love for and anxiousness to serve others. Last but not least, his dreams and sense of adventure. :)

I love my boy! :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Finding Nemo

We saw Finding Nemo on ice mall of America in Minneapolis and it was so much fun! We weren't able to get very good quality pictures but its ok. :)