Monday, June 29, 2015

Ivy is 2!

Ivy turned 2 on Friday, June 26th!  I cannot believe it has been 2 years since she was born!  We love her SOOOOO much and are so grateful she is a part of our family.  She is such a ray of sunshine. She eminates happiness everywhere she goes.  She is such a happy, sweet, smiley girl and makes everyone around her happy as well.  She loves to share with Jenna, she is very good at talking, a great sleeper at night and nap time, and has recently started to want to do things herself.  After she buckles a buckle or puts on a shoe or something she excitedly exclaims "I did it!"  And she has the heartiest, cutest laugh of all time! She is so fun to have around!  We had pancakes for breakfast followed by a dance party.  Then we played outside in the kiddie pool and ate popsicles.  She normally naps great but she never fell asleep for her nap on her birthday.  I heard her talking and singing so I listened by her door and she was singing "Happy Boday to Bamma" (Happy Brithday to Grandma) And then she yelled "Happy Boday Bamma!"  She was so excited for her birthday and for Grandma to come over that she just couldn't fall asleep.  Soon after I got her out of her crib, Grandma and Grandpa came over to help us move our playroom downstairs and see the girls.  We went to a car show in the neighborhood and danced and played.  Andrew was out of town so we didn't have cake or open presents.  On Sunday, we had the Hughes family over for dinner, ate cupcakes, and Ivy opened presents. It was a fun weekend Birthday celebration!
This picture perfectly captures their relationship. Jenna and Ivy are so silly together and make each other laugh so much!

Pool play and popsicles

Our adorable, sweet, beautiful Ivy Pearl

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