Monday, November 17, 2008

Note to self

Grating a huge, deep hole in the knuckle of your thumb with a cheese grater hurts and bleeds A LOT! Buy grated cheese from now on.


Casey said...

OUCH! I'll definitely be more careful now on.

Blacks said...

Hey, I have a scar on my pointer finger from doing that exact thing!! Ow!!

Whitney Bennett said...

OMG I HAVE DONE THAT BEFORE! It is not fun at all. I am so so sorry that happened to you. OUCH!

Jenni D said...

I'm always afraid that I'm going to do that! That's so sad Kim! That just makes me hurt thinking about it.

Marcindra LaPriel said...

EW! Did you find a chunch of thumb in your quesadilla? Blech.

On the whole, I must say pre-grated cheese is a good call.