Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day was so much fun this year!  Jenna had her first Valentine's Day party.  At preschool, they made Valentine's Day bags, played games, decorated and ate heart shaped cookies and exchanged Valentine's they had prepared for each other.  Jenna also made a Valentine's Day picture for Andrew and I with Wendy.  And we had heart shaped eggs in toast for breakfast on Valentine's Day, and heart shaped pancakes for dinner. :)  Andrew and I went on a Valentine's date the day before Valentine's Day.  We went to Pei Wei, Jamba Juice, and then to See's Candies.  I got to pick all of the chocolates I wanted in my 1/2 lb box. Yum! It was so fun! Jenna and Andrew also got me flowers and popcorn. Jenna and I gave Andrew a Costco sized jar of Jelly Bellies, an air plant, and a card.  And we gave Jenna a card and her own mini box of chocolates.  :) And we gave Ivy lots of kisses. :) We love each other and are so grateful for each other!
Jenna wrote her own name and drew the pic of our family

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