Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Spring time 2013!

     We are still kind of waiting for Spring time to be here all the way but we keep getting little snippets of it before it snows again.  The weather has been nice for about 1 week at a time, and then we will get another little cold spell.  But that's ok. We are taking advantage of any warm days we can get!  Easter was a lot of fun this year.  We got to color easter eggs with Sadie and Griffin, and then on another day with our friend Grace.  We also had a little egg hunt with Grace.  We had Easter dinner at the Blacks and another easter egg hunt with Jenna's Utah cousins.  The dinner was delicious!  I like Easter dinner more than Thanksgiving dinner for sure! :) We made our traditional 'easter rolls' and had Easter breakfast the Monday before Easter since we thought Andrew might have meetings Easter morning.  It was fun to talk a lot with Jenna about Jesus, His resurrection, and why we celebrate Easter.
     The next week, Grandma Hughes came up to visit since it was her Spring break.  We went to the baby animal petting zoo at "This is the Place Heritage Park" and had a lot of fun!.  Jenna got to ride a pony! We also pet lots of baby animals like chicks, lambs, goats, pigs, and bunnies.  Then we got to eat some yummy donuts from "Brigham's donuts" and go on a couple of different train rides.  They had a big train, a little train, and a stationary medium size train.  We all had a great time!

 New Easter dress.  It was a fun, happy day.

 Jenna was so brave and excited to ride the pony! She even wore her cowgirl boots, so she was like a real cowgirl!

 We kept chasing this pig so we could pet him.  We found out that he was just looking for a spot in the sun to lay down.  Once he found it, he let us pet him.
Dinner and egg hunt at the Black's

Enjoying Easter egg hunt and treats at Katie's.

1 comment:

Brandon and Jennifer said...

So fun! Jenna is beautiful and so are you Kim! That petting zoo looks fun. I'll have to take Alexis there sometime. :-)