Last year, we received an infestation of these asian beetle things that look like lady bugs. Andrew tried to shoo them out with a broom. But many of them stayed, and over time, they have died, fallen off the ceiling and onto the floor. I find several of them all the time. It's disgusting and very frustrating. Sometimes I even find a couple in my bed. Gross! Oh, there are also a bunch herded together in the window sill. It freaks me out and bothers me tremendously. I sweep them up often. Saturday, I got so disgusted and frustrated that I said a bad word. I am ashamed. The end.
Additional Insight from Andrew:
There were probably thousands of these lady bugs, or asian beetles, or whatever they are. The picture Kim posted is after I knocked down a ton of these bugs, but if you look close, you can still see that there are piles of bugs left surrounding the light. I couldn't knock the swarms down fast enough.
I am so sorry! Those beetles are so awful! When my niece got married in Navoo we stayed in a house that had the same problem. It was aweful. Another one of my nieces, who was 1 year old at the time had one fly into her mouth and we couldn't figure out what was wrong with her for a while until she was finally able to spit it out. It took her a few years to not be afriad of Lady Bugs.
Have you tired insect killer? good luck
Hehehe. Kim said a bad word...
That stinks that you have buggies all over your apartment! I have an ant problem in my apt. The weird thing is that they come in through a corner in my kitchen and then just die. It's nice that they just die but it sucks that they come in in the first place. Especially because I forget they come in and I step on them... with bare feet. So gross! Anyway, I hope you find something that works to get rid of the beetles.
I also think it's funny that you said a bad word and admitted it on your blog. ; ) You are so cute!
Yuck! That would make me so mad. I am sorry guys! I would want to say a bad word to Kim.(=
I meant that to say "too, Kim" not "to Kim". I would NEVER want to a bad word to my perfect sister in law Kim! (=
We vacuum them up with the little canister vac. It makes a funny smell, but it's better than bugs everywhere! You're welcome to borrow it anytime :-) And yes, they're at our house hopefully they won't gross you out too much when you're here!
Thank you for using one of my backgrounds! You're so sweet. :)
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